Senior ACT News. Seniors will retake the ACT tomorrow Wednesday October the 25th, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Be sure your chrome book is charged up and ready to use on the test.
over 1 year ago, jason martin
act test
Red Ribbon Week ( Oct 23-27) activities at Clarksburg School are as follows: Monday: Wear Pajamas Tuesday: Western Gear Wednesday: wacky mixed up clothes day Thursday: Dress to the decade (60s, 70s,80s, etc) Friday: wear a Halloween Shirt or costume( no masks, face paint or props).
over 1 year ago, jason martin
red ribbon week
Ms. Mary's class enjoyed participating in our annual 50s day.
over 1 year ago, jason martin
kiddos celebrating 50s day.
kiddos celebrating 50s day.
kiddos celebrating 50s day.
kiddos celebrating 50s day.
kiddos celebrating 50s day.
kiddos celebrating 50s day.
Here are some additional 50 days celebration pictures submitted by our awesome staff.
over 1 year ago, jason martin
To celebrate the first 50 days of school teachers, staff, and our students dressed in 1950s clothing. It was a great day to teach and learn, and to celebrate. Good things are happening at Clarksburg School.
over 1 year ago, jason martin
Ms. Holly's Kindergarten class is celebrating the 50 days of school! Good things are happening at Clarksburg School.
over 1 year ago, jason martin
Ms. Holly's Kindergarten class is celebrating the 50 days of school! Good things are happening at Clarksburg School.
over 1 year ago, jason martin
Dear Parents and Veterans, Clarksburg School will be hosting a special reception and school assembly to honor the Veterans. This event will be held: Friday, November 10, 2023 8:30 a.m. – Reception hosted by CHS Student Council in the library following the assembly Where: Clarksburg School Gymnasium Forms are being sent home with more information. If you would like to participate please fill out the form and send it back to school. Email the following information the Ms. Sybley at: or contact the school for more information. We hope to see you there. Veterans, we appreciate all you do for us.
over 1 year ago, jason martin
Veterans Day program
Veterans Day program
Ms. Cabler's Algebra 2 class experiencing an innovative outdoor classroom environment while learning about and graphing radicals with the sidewalk chalk. Good things are happening at Clarksburg school.
over 1 year ago, jason martin
students outside
Important High School Basketball information: HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL SEASON TICKET SALES The price of ballgame admission is going up to $7.00 per ticket this season. Clarksburg School will be selling Season Passes for $5.00 per home game ticket. ($55) October 30-November 3 Bring your money to school that week and we will get your pass made. Season Passes will ONLY BE SOLD THIS ONE WEEK!!! Season Passes are NON-TRANSFERRABLE.
over 1 year ago, jason martin
You may have noticed some Clarksburg Rocket Pride Window Art around town. Our very own CHS Cheer Leaders are responsible for this and it is awesome. Good things are happening at Clarksburg School.
over 1 year ago, jason martin
wall art.
wall art
wall art
wall art
wall art
wall art
Ms. Bekka's Kindergarden clsss participated in a Zoom Meeting with President of Memphis University, Dr. Bill Hardgrave . Aferwards they drew pictures of what a student who wants to attend college needs to do to reach that goal. They also drew pictures of what they plan to do while attending college. Every Wednesday, school wide teachers and staff wear their college t-shirts and discuss the benefits of trade school, TCAT, and attending college with the students. Good things are happening at Clarksburg School.
over 1 year ago, jason martin
Becca's class.
Becca's class.
Becca's class.
Becca's class.
Becca's class.
Becca's class.
Ms. Jay’s Physical Science class learned how to safely use a microscope today. Good things are happening at Clarksburg Schools.
over 1 year ago, jason martin
kids with a microscope.
kids with a microscope
kids with a microscope
kids with a microscope
kids with a microscope
kids with a microscope
kids with a microscope
kids with a microscope
As our 50th day of school approaches, all staff and students are encouraged to dress in 50s attire as we will be celebrating our 50th day of school on Friday October the 20th. Dust off the your 50s attire and celebrate with us. Good things are happening at Clarksburg Schools!
over 1 year ago, jason martin
50s picture.
The Clarksburg High School Personal Finance, Health Science, Business Management, Advanced Computer Apps, A&P and Criminal Justice classes had the opportunity to tour the University of Memphis and then participated in a learning experience at the Memphis Zoo. Good things are happening at Clarksburg Schools.
over 1 year ago, jason martin
kids at Memphis state
kids at Memphis state
kids at Memphis state
Ms.  Sibley at Memphis State U
students at Memphis State University.
students at Memphisnstate university.
Clarksburg Junior Beta will be sponsoring a bottled water drive for the Kirkland Cancer Center. We will be collecting cases of bottled water through October 27th. Any Junior Beta member can earn 1 service hour for donations and must have sponsor's signature on service hour sheet. All donations are appreceated.
over 1 year ago, jason martin
Water Bottle
Important information concerning this community event.
over 1 year ago, jason martin
community event.
community event.
Health Science had the absolute pleasure of hosting Kaitlin Bray from Nashville Veterinary Specialists. She is a Licensed Veterinary Medical Technologist(BS) and works as the Emergency Department and Urgent Care Patient Care Manager at Nashville Veterinary Specialists. Students with an interest in veterinary medicine were enthused to learn about their future career interest and canine CPR!!
over 1 year ago, jason martin
Health Science had the absolute pleasure of hosting Kaitlin Bray from Nashville Veterinary Specialists. She is a Licensed Veterinary Medical Technologist(BS) and works as the Emergency Department and Urgent Care Patient Care Manager at Nashville Veterinary Specialists. Students with an interest in veterinary  medicine were enthused to learn about their future  career interest and canine CPR!!
Health Science had the absolute pleasure of hosting Kaitlin Bray from Nashville Veterinary Specialists. She is a Licensed Veterinary Medical Technologist(BS) and works as the Emergency Department and Urgent Care Patient Care Manager at Nashville Veterinary Specialists. Students with an interest in veterinary  medicine were enthused to learn about their future  career interest and canine CPR!!
Health Science had the absolute pleasure of hosting Kaitlin Bray from Nashville Veterinary Specialists. She is a Licensed Veterinary Medical Technologist(BS) and works as the Emergency Department and Urgent Care Patient Care Manager at Nashville Veterinary Specialists. Students with an interest in veterinary  medicine were enthused to learn about their future  career interest and canine CPR!!
Health Science had the absolute pleasure of hosting Kaitlin Bray from Nashville Veterinary Specialists. She is a Licensed Veterinary Medical Technologist(BS) and works as the Emergency Department and Urgent Care Patient Care Manager at Nashville Veterinary Specialists. Students with an interest in veterinary  medicine were enthused to learn about their future  career interest and canine CPR!!
Health Science had the absolute pleasure of hosting Kaitlin Bray from Nashville Veterinary Specialists. She is a Licensed Veterinary Medical Technologist(BS) and works as the Emergency Department and Urgent Care Patient Care Manager at Nashville Veterinary Specialists. Students with an interest in veterinary  medicine were enthused to learn about their future  career interest and canine CPR!!
Health Science had the absolute pleasure of hosting Kaitlin Bray from Nashville Veterinary Specialists. She is a Licensed Veterinary Medical Technologist(BS) and works as the Emergency Department and Urgent Care Patient Care Manager at Nashville Veterinary Specialists. Students with an interest in veterinary  medicine were enthused to learn about their future  career interest and canine CPR!!
Health Science had the absolute pleasure of hosting Kaitlin Bray from Nashville Veterinary Specialists. She is a Licensed Veterinary Medical Technologist(BS) and works as the Emergency Department and Urgent Care Patient Care Manager at Nashville Veterinary Specialists. Students with an interest in veterinary  medicine were enthused to learn about their future  career interest and canine CPR!!
Health Science had the absolute pleasure of hosting Kaitlin Bray from Nashville Veterinary Specialists. She is a Licensed Veterinary Medical Technologist(BS) and works as the Emergency Department and Urgent Care Patient Care Manager at Nashville Veterinary Specialists. Students with an interest in veterinary  medicine were enthused to learn about their future  career interest and canine CPR!!
Health Science had the absolute pleasure of hosting Kaitlin Bray from Nashville Veterinary Specialists. She is a Licensed Veterinary Medical Technologist(BS) and works as the Emergency Department and Urgent Care Patient Care Manager at Nashville Veterinary Specialists. Students with an interest in veterinary  medicine were enthused to learn about their future  career interest and canine CPR!!
Health Science had the absolute pleasure of hosting Kaitlin Bray from Nashville Veterinary Specialists. She is a Licensed Veterinary Medical Technologist(BS) and works as the Emergency Department and Urgent Care Patient Care Manager at Nashville Veterinary Specialists. Students with an interest in veterinary  medicine were enthused to learn about their future  career interest and canine CPR!!
Pre-K Lemonade Stand. The PreK students will be selling Pink or Yellow Lemonade on October 20th from 12:00-2:00 p.m. for the incredible price of $1.00 a cup.
over 1 year ago, jason martin
Lemonaide stand pic.
CASE testing will start on Tuesday, Oc. 17. ELA on Tuesday. Wednesday - Math Thursday Scienc and Social Studies or you can choose to do S.S. on Friday. Also, ACT Senior retake is on Oct. 25.
over 1 year ago, jason martin
State of Tennesse on Orange Flag